Canadian Radio Podcasting

A while back CBC Radio3 shut down its magazine format (although the archive thankfully still exists). It was a sad day when I thought I'd be shut off from its constant stream of new and innovative music and art. Especially in this northern radio wasteland of our nations capitol. But happily they've always been airing their show on Radio2 and even have some pretty good podcasts now.
I shouldn't slag Ottawa's radio too much, as in recent visits to Toronto, I've found they're not much better. CFNY, once the staple of my audio diet when I lived there has lost much of its Edge. How many times can I listen to the same Foo Fighters track stuck in traffic on the QEW? I suppose if it were Ottawa it'd be Creed and I'd be ripping my ears off, but there's hardly any traffic to speak of on the Queensway so its a sacrifice I happily make.
But CFNY's saving grace is Alan Cross's Ongoing History of New Music, once syndicated in Ottawa and soon to be podcast in its entirety.
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